We are grateful in advance for your support.
Cash App: $lctakesaction
Why bother?
Last year 27.6% of Charleston residents faced shelter poverty. When more pedestrians die from unsafe streets than almost anywhere else in the United States, when many suffer from low wages and high cost of living, or when our neighbors cannot access healthy food, housing and the mental health or substance use treatment they need, WE HAVE TO STEP UP!
Help the Lowcountry Action Committee (LAC) support historically Black and marginalized communities in the cities of Charleston and North Charleston. Our goal is to provide families with 1000 Freedom Bags throughout the year 2023, which will include non-perishable grocery items, fresh, organic produce, PPE, educational materials and supplemental resources to support their wellbeing.
In a world where politicians with cushy salaries fight over whether the American people deserve $600 or $2000 survival payments during a pandemic, where giant corporations are given billions of dollars to sustain their exploitative systems and where our government chooses to send $40 billion to fund war in Ukraine while it's citizen's go without their basic material needs met—people in Charleston are also struggling to meet their basic needs.
Last year over-policing was funded to the tune of $54 million in the City of Charleston, while urban and community development repeatedly gets 1% of the city’s budget and sometimes less. We must examine the resources available to find ways to support and sustain our community.
Our community members can’t afford to eat or pay their bills, so the people must organize themselves through mutual aid and cooperation. Freedom Bags cost about $12 each to put together. Consider donating to support one of our community members.